
(Download the PDF file of the programme by clicking HERE.)

Friday 18 March

1.30 p.m.: Registration

2.00: Conference opening and plenary session:

Emily Apter (New York University): ‘Translational Equaliberty: Language as Cosmopolitan Right in the Europe of Migrations’

3.00: Parallel sessions 1

A. Cultural Translations
Clément Dessy: ‘Brussels fin de siècle between Paris and London’
Blaise Wilfert-Portal: ‘Quantitative Cosmopolitanism? Measuring literary Importations and “cultural free trade” in the British literary System around 1900’
Caroline Patey: ‘Virginia Woolf’s French Cloak, or, To the Lighthouse previews in Paris’

B. The Metropolis and its Others
Josephine McDonagh: ‘Cosmopolitanism and Provincialism:  Distant Intimacy and the Transatlantic Village Tale’
Laura Marcus: ‘Daily Rhythms, urban Rhythms: City Films of the 1920s’

4.30: Coffee break

5.00: Parallel sessions 2

C. Colonialism/Postcolonialism
Francesca Orsini: ‘Who are (or were) the Cosmopolitans? Thoughts from multilingual India’
Elleke Boehmer: ‘Cosmopolitanism and Empire’
Laetitia Zecchini: ‘Defamiliarizing India: Cosmopolitanism as a condition of aesthetic and political Survival’

D. Different Hybridities
Leire Barrera-Medrano: ‘“Intellectual cosmopolitanism affirms itself in the land”: Hermes and the Basque-English Network of the 1920s’
Katharina Herold: ‘Cosmopolitan Conglomeration and Orientalist Appropriation in Oscar Wilde’s The Sphinx
Martina Ciceri: ‘Make It… Foreign? The Cosmopolitan Aesthetics of Jaakooff Prelooker’s The Anglo-Russian’

6.30: Drinks Reception

8.00: Dinner at Al Shami


Saturday 19 March

10.00 a.m.: Plenary session:

Gisèle Sapiro (EHESS, Paris): ‘The transnational Literary Field: Between (Inter)Nationalism and Cosmopolitanism’

11.00: Coffee break

11.30 a.m.: Parallel sessions 3

E. Decadent Cosmopolitanism and Sexual Dissidence in the Early Twentieth Century
Kristin Mahoney: ‘The Relation of Fellow-Feeling to Sex: Laurence Housman and Queer Cosmopolitanism’
Rebecca Mitchell: ‘The “Unspeakable” T. W. H. Crosland’
Sarah Parker: ‘Une Femme m’apparut: Lesbian Desire and “French” Identity’

F. Science across Borders
Sally Blackburn: ‘“Too subtle and too cosmopolitan”: Vernon Lee’s Complex Relationship with Evolutionary Ethics’
Priyasha Mukhopadhyay:‘Theosophy’s Empire: Cosmopolitan Networks’
Fanny Robles: ‘A Forgotten Traveller in Time, Space and Cultures: J.-H. Rosny Aîné (1856-1940)’

1.00 p.m.: Lunch

2.00: Parallel sessions 4

G. Cosmopolitan Literary Exchange in the Transnational Press
Valentina Gosetti: ‘Literary Encounters fostered by Nineteenth-Century Francophone Press published in the United Kingdom’
Alessandra Marchi: ‘The Italian press in Egypt: Writing and Reading the Alexandrian Cosmopolitanism’
Stéphanie Prévost: ‘Le Haiasdan, Arménie, Armenia: Language Choice and the Construction of an Armenian Diasporic Identity (1888-1905)’
Richet, Isabelle: ‘Two English Women Periodicals Editors in Italy: Theodosia Garrow Trollope and Helen Zimmern as literary and cultural Go-betweens’

H. Politics and Society
Francesca Billiani: ‘Indifférence engagée: Elites, modernism and cosmopolitanism’
Guillaume Bridet: ‘Nationalism, Cosmopolitanism and Internationalism. Reflections from an example : France between the two world wars’
Nagihan Haliloglu: ‘An Ottoman Cosmopolitan in the Turkish Republic of Letters: Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar’

3.30: Coffee break

4.00: Parallel sessions 5

I. Networks, Systems, Connections
Julien Schuh: ‘The International Culture of the Belle Époque: Media, Avant-Garde and Mass Culture in Europe (1880-1920)’
Galin Tihanov: ‘The location of world literature: spaces of self-reflection’
Arcana Albright: ‘21st-Century Literary Cosmopolitanism: Jean-Philippe Toussaint’s Global Village’

J. Bodies & Social Spaces
Ben Robbins: ‘Queer Cosmopolitanism in the Expatriate Literatures of Capri and Berlin’
Fiona Macintosh: ‘Cosmopolitan Bodies and choral Anxieties in early twentieth-century Performances of Greek Drama’
Annabel Williams: ‘“Guide to a Disturbed Planet”: Modernist travel and the Cosmopolitics of Hospitality in Rebecca West’

5.30: Roundtable Discussion and Conclusion

6.30: End